7 Tips to Write a Smashing SEO Friendly Blog Post That Ranks

7 Tips to Write a Smashing SEO Friendly Blog Post That Ranks

If you have ever written a blog, your primary goal would be to write a valuable piece of content that gets recognized. But then, does it always happen? Probably not; however, SEO is the link that will bring you there (Search Engine Optimization).

The entire process, from choosing a topic and gathering information to drafting the piece and pushing “Publish,” frequently takes hours. It can be a significant letdown if your post doesn’t receive the traffic you anticipated because of this.

Fortunately, search engine optimization can be used to combat low traffic. Writing SEO friendly blog content that will rank highly on Google is something that all marketers strive to do, and That raises the issue of how to include that in the content you create. We have your back, so don’t worry. In this blog, we have covered SEO friendly blog tips, how to write SEO-friendly blog posts, and what an SEO-friendly blog is.

What is an SEO friendly blog?

Writing content for search engines like Google’s first page is known as SEO writing. This involves carrying out keyword research, creating content of a high standard that adheres to user intent, and optimizing your headers for simple page crawling.

According to a 2020 Search Engine Journal survey, 25% of people click on websites that are in the top spot on search engine results pages (SERPs). For websites in positions two and 10, this figure plummets to just 2.5% and 15%, respectively. That number drops even further by the time you reach Google’s second page. This means that there is a slim possibility that users will reach your website naturally if it is not on the top page.

Less traffic to your website means fewer chances to produce leads, which eventually translate into money. The next best course of action is to spend money on marketing to get those users to your website. But if you’re on a tight budget, why not spend time generating SEO friendly blog content instead? It’s free and probably will drive visitors to your site for a lot longer than a campaign would.

Ranking factors for blog posts

Now that we have a fair idea of what is an SEO friendly blog, it’s time to discuss what makes it good content. And this calls for a look into the numerous ranking factors that decide whether your blog is going to bang the first spot or not.

Given below are the SEO friendly blog tips, in the order of relevance:

  • Choosing the appropriate search intent
  • Possessing a high domain authority
  • Having subject-matter expertise in the area you’re writing about
  • Level of competition: How many other pages discuss the same subject?
  • Links pointing to your blog post from other websites are known as backlinks
  • How do you interlink to other pages on your website from a blog post?
  • How you structure and create your blog article affects on-page SEO
  • User experience, including reading enjoyment and access to high-quality information

8 SEO friendly blog tips to Top the A Game

SEO friendly blogHere are the top 8 SEO friendly blog tips for writing an SEO friendly blog posts (step-by-step) that puts your content on the first page of Google:

  • Researching keywords properly
  • Being aware of search intent
  • Creating a blog post outline for SEO success
  • Creating a blog post
  • Obtaining accurate technical specifications
  • Interlinking
  • Creating content for Google and submitting it
  • Generating backlinks

This is Why Google Doesn’t Show Your Content to Users

Google is a search engine whose objective is to compile all available information. Hundreds of thousands of blog posts are published online every day. In order to provide its users with the best possible search results, Google must determine the topics covered by these blog entries and rank them appropriately.

Google can also be seen as a content database. It takes time for content that is stored in the database to eventually be seen by its viewers. This is the reason why SEO is a time-consuming process. Frequently, it can take three to six months before your SEO friendly blog content starts to rank.

As a result, Google deliberately places content in its database “on hold” until it is certain that it can give its users a positive experience.

This holding period is frequently referred to as the “sandbox effect.”  It is impossible to just build a new website, add SEO-optimized content to it, and expect it to rank well. In order to move out of this sandbox and have your articles fast-crawled and indexed, you must consistently produce content for months.

How to Write Seo Friendly Blog Posts that Generate 3x Revenue?

Writing SEO friendly blog is the easiest and hardest way to climb the ladder of success. However, it should be noted that with the right criteria and tips, you can write blog posts that get recognized by Google, let alone humans.
Without any further delay, let us dive in to understand the tips and tricks for writing the best SEO friendly blog posts.

Use High intent keywords in headings

Headers make your blog article and its sections easier for Google’s web spiders to interpret. Consider the crawlers to be skimming readers of your blog. Your H1 heading should provide a summary of the topics your article will cover. Then, your H2s, H3s, and H4s dissect the article’s subtopics.

Your subheaders should therefore include high-intent keywords and mirror the content of the body. You have a far better chance of ranking on the SERP when you employ the proper keywords or those that your target audience uses.

Make use of the featured snippet

The most direct responses to search queries can be seen in Google’s featured snippets. For example, if I were to Google “How do you write a blog post?” The best response can be displayed by Google using a featured snippet.

Write to answer user’s questions, not for Google crawlers

With all these SEO recommendations, it might be simple to forget that a user is looking for a solution when they search on Google. The greatest strategy for you to increase your chances of ranking is to produce blog entries of excellent quality. How does that appear? comprehensive responses, easily scanned parts, arranged subheaders, and graphic assistance. Consider your buyer personas’ motives, issues, and interests.

Optimize Meta Description with Keywords

Do you give your post meta descriptions? If the answer is “no,” you’re probably not exposing your post to as many people as you could. Let’s discuss their significance.

Google also analyses meta-descriptions to determine search results. The one- to three-sentence summaries that appear beneath a result’s title are known as meta descriptions.

Use meta descriptions to briefly summarise the subject of your post, and always keep it concise. Use a maximum of two keywords. Make it intriguing. Since there will likely be other posts that are identical to yours, you’ll want your description to be more distinctive than the others.

Link to reliable websites for SEO friendly blogs

Don’t be scared to use external links when you construct your blog content. In addition to providing blog visitors with additional reading material to broaden their knowledge, linking to trustworthy websites demonstrates to search engines that you have done your homework. Nothing strengthens a blog post like data supported by research from reputable websites. You can develop a stronger, more specific case that will help you win your readers’ trust by using compelling statistics.

Write easily scannable content

You would assume that shorter blog postings are the way to go in an age where attention spans are short. However, longer, more in-depth blog postings are preferred by search engines like Google. Consider this: the more content you have on a page, the more information search engines will have on the subject of your blog.

Hubspot has discovered that the perfect word count is between 2,100 and 2,400. Longer blogs have the drawback of potentially overwhelming your readers. Creating bite-sized, scannable pieces of your material is one method to address this.

Whenever possible, split a large statement into two and limit your paragraphs to three sentences or less. Don’t overlook the use of bullet points; they are excellent attention-getters and are simple to understand, especially on mobile devices.

Get More Backlinks

Backline works wonders for your posts. It is more like a backbone for crafting an excellent SEO friendly blog. Simply put, a backlink is a link from another website pointing to your content. Google is like a robot; it doesn’t have any idea how good your content is. On the other hand, if other websites are connecting to your blog article, Google may infer that the piece is worthwhile. It must be somewhat excellent if other websites are linked to it.

Additionally, you can use guest blogging, or writing articles for other websites, to increase backlinks. Write an article for someone else and provide a link to your article(s) in that piece.

It’s almost guaranteed that a post with a high position will ultimately acquire some passive backlinks. Writers may use your article as a reference as they conduct research for other articles they are writing by conducting a Google search for a term you rank #1 for.

However, if you consistently rank in the top three positions for really competitive keywords or have really strong statistic-style content, this is more likely to occur.

I suppose it’s similar to how the wealthy get richer.

Simply focusing on low-competition phrases that don’t require many backlinks to rank for is another way to draft an SEO friendly blog.

How to Write the Perfect Title for SEO Friendly Blog

Even if your post body is excellent and SEO-friendly, a poor headline could harm your ranking. Write something catchy that includes your core keyword in the headline of your post with SEO in mind.

Here are some pointers to keep in mind while writing an SEO friendly blog title:

  • Include numerical data. “5 Budget Saving Tips for Your Next Vacation,” for instance.
  • In the title, mention your offer. Using the example “How to Write a Stunning Resume [+ Free Template]”
  • Insert a teaser. A good example might be “We Tried the New [Insert App Name] Product: Here’s What Happened”

You are proficient at creating content that readers will adore. Now is the time to add components that Google will also adore. With these SEO tactics, you’ll quickly rank on the first page of Google, even though it may initially seem difficult.

Final Thoughts on SEO Friendly Blog

Every marketer or writer strives to write the perfect blog that stays on Google for years to come and go. With the ever-evolving Google rules and regulations, this might sound a bit difficult to achieve but it doesn’t have to be.

Writing a blog article that is interesting, amusing, and educational while also targeting the proper keywords is an art.

But when it comes to ranking factors and organizing blog entries in a way that makes them simple for Google to read and rank, there is a certain amount of science involved as well. Naturally, not every blog post you create will be ranked at the top of Google. However, it’s wise to strive for the top spot.

Google’s search results would be too erratic if every blog post posted online had a high SERP (search engine results page).

Additionally, you don’t want SEO blog writing to be simple. If it were simple, as soon as you started to rank, a rival would just copy what you do and surpass you. While SEO writing is straightforward, it’s not always simple. And that’s advantageous.

The finest blog post you can write for a particular keyword will help you stand out from the competition. Adding backlinks to your content will further distinguish you from the competition. Google gives more weight to items that are difficult to imitate than things that are simple to modify.

With these tips in mind, write the best SEO friendly blog content and keep crushing.

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