Expands SEO Auditing Service to Include Complete Backlink & Content Audits Expands SEO Auditing Service to Include Complete Backlink & Content Audits, a leading SEO company, announced the expansion of its SEO auditing service to include complete backlink and content audits. The new service is designed to help businesses identify and fix any issues with their website’s search engine optimization (SEO) strategy, including spammy backlinks, content redundancies, and content cannibalization issues.

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Backlinks are one of the most important factors in determining a website’s rank in search engine results pages (SERPs). A high-quality, diverse, and natural backlink profile is essential for any website looking to rank well, and a backlink audit is the best way to identify any potential issues with a website’s backlinking strategy.

“We’re excited to offer our new content and backlink audit services,” said Nate Nead, CEO of “This service is designed to help businesses identify and fix any issues with their backlinks and content, two important factors for ensuring websites rank highly in search engines.”’s new backlink audit service includes a comprehensive analysis of a website’s backlink profile, including:

  • The number and quality of backlinks
  • The distribution of links across different websites and webpages
  • The source of links – whether they’re from directories, blog comments, or other websites
  • The type of the links (e.g. dofollow vs. nofollow vs. UGC)
  • The anchor text of links – whether the keywords being targeted are being targeted correctly

By identifying any potential issues with a website’s backlinking strategy, businesses can fix them and improve their rank in SERPs.

In addition, the company is greatly expanding its content auditing service and capabilities. A content audit is a comprehensive analysis of a website’s content. It can identify any issues with the website’s content strategy, including duplicate content, plagiarized content, and keyword cannibalization. The team will also find areas where LSI (latent semantic indexing) and entity keywords can and should be added and/or removed from the body text or various header text.

“Both a backlink audit and content audit are critically essential for any long-term SEO strategy,” says Samuel Edwards, CMO at “By conducting these audits, businesses can identify any areas where their SEO efforts may be falling short and then take the necessary steps to improve their rank, gain more visitors and increase sales. It’s one of the reasons we have also recently updated our link building guide for beginners, so potential clients can see the importance and understand what we are doing.” is dedicated to providing SEO solutions for businesses of all sizes. The company’s new backlink audit and content audit services are just two of the many ways that is helping businesses boost their ranking in SERPs and reach more customers.


backlinkcontent auditsContent