Pioneering AI innovation from RWS Offers Near Human-Quality Translation

RWS announces the beta launch of Evolve, a pioneering linguistic AI innovation by Language Weaver that harnesses the power of secure neural machine translation, linguist-verified quality estimation and large language models. This unique combination of human and artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionize translation processes by significantly reducing the time it takes to achieve near human-like quality output.

The patent-pending capability of Evolve first analyzes Language Weaver’s initial translation of the content, checks the quality and suggests areas where the translation can be further improved. It then uses a large language model, fine-tuned by Language Weaver’s linguistic experts, to target those parts of the content that require further edits and automatically delivers a better translation of that content – in near real-time. Designed with security in mind, Language Weaver ensures that client content and information remain confidential throughout the process.

RWS’s in-house language specialists and data scientists have been involved in every step of Evolve’s development. Language Weaver’s pioneering innovation will enable companies to benefit from a platform that achieves human-like translation quality, almost instantly, significantly reducing the time required for a human-in-the-loop during the translation process. This allows language specialists to focus their skills and cultural expertise on content that requires their attention.

Also Read: TransPerfect Announces First Integrated Translation Solution for Sitecore XM Cloud

As a result of RWS and Language Weaver enabling greater translation volumes and faster turnaround times, organizations will be able to benefit from these efficiencies in several ways. High tech companies can improve the global product experience across all touchpoints; retailers can improve their customer experience to increase global revenue; and highly regulated industries can gain greater confidence through increased translation accuracy.

Thomas Labarthe, President of RWS Language and Content Technology, explains the significance: “The AI market is booming and, while novel use cases based on generative AI spring up every day, few have Evolve’s potential to meaningfully transform an organization’s ability to engage with international audiences at scale. This is the natural next step in the evolution of Language Weaver and is a true example of the powerful benefits of combining the best of artificial and human intelligence.”

Early beta customers of Evolve include technology giant Dell and other leading companies across a variety of industries.

Notes to editors

  • Businesses with a need for accelerated high-quality localization can find out more about Evolve and register for the beta programme here.
  • Read our blog which includes further information about the underlying technology from RWS that underpins Evolve.

SOURCE: Businesswire

artificial intelligenceinteractive contentLarge Language ModelsMartech 360neural machine translationnewsRWS