Syniverse Launches Real-Time Text Translations

Syniverse Launches Real-Time Text Translations

Syniverse, the world’s most connected company®, is unveiling Real-Time Text Translations (RTT), an innovative new feature of its omnichannel messaging solution that will enable enterprises to message and interact with customers in their preferred language.

RTT, which supports more than 130 languages and multiple communication channels, lets enterprises instantly identify and adopt end-user preferences by automatically detecting when customers reply to messages in a different language. Once that new language is identified, the enterprise can continue engaging with customers in the detected language by using Syniverse’s translation feature.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, roughly 21.7% of United States residents (nearly 70 million people) do not speak only English at home, and more than 26 million people reported speaking English “less than very well” in its latest release of the American Community Survey. Moreover, other regions worldwide have considerable linguistic diversity because of personal preferences, cultural backgrounds, or simple geography.

Also Read: Vimeo Announces AI-Powered Video Translation with Authentic Voice Cloning

“Communicating with customers in their preferred language is a powerful way to demonstrate genuine care for their needs,” said John Wick, Syniverse’s Chief Product Officer. “People feel valued, understood, and satisfied when their perspectives are considered. It’s natural for Syniverse to provide a solution that brings everyone together by providing a personalized and engaging customer experience.”

SOURCE: Businesswire

interactive contentmartech360newsomnichannel messaging solutionRTTSyniverse