Transifex Announces Transifex AI to Accelerate Enterprise Globalization Strategies

Transifex, the world’s leading AI-Powered Translation Management System, announced general availability of Transifex AI, the industry’s first artificial intelligence-powered, all-in-one language technology platform for managing enterprise translation and localization.

Unlike conventional translation management systems that rely on manual processes that cannot support over-the-air or continuous localization, Transifex AI is a near real-time collaboration hub for large organizations as they attempt to automate and scale their businesses globally.

Transifex AI’s emphasis on localization use cases, combined with technology advancements that significantly reduce costly human interaction, means that organizations can now make the same content that is driving positive business outcomes such as increased revenue, brand loyalty, and engagement available across all international markets without increasing budgets.

Transifex’ AI-powered localization workflows integrate into agile software, applications, and website development. Traditionally, the complexity of producing multiple language versions of each customer touchpoint was a major stumbling block to global revenue growth. Transifex AI eliminates costly manual translation processes and gets the product to end-users much quicker. Transifex AI’s advanced transcreation capabilities, also make it a powerful tool for localizing creative content at scale, making it an ideal tool for marketing-, product teams, and more

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Transifex AI’s recently completed beta program confirmed its ability to deliver a wide range of new translation use cases, enabling outcomes that were previously not possible at scale due to cost and delays.  The beta program featured 220 customers deploying Transifex AI in their automation workflows and reported an average of 62% of their content strings going directly into production with little to no human editing required.

As a result, Transifex AI is disrupting vendor pricing models – and customer expectations – by improving revenue performance across global markets and accelerating time to market. Transifex AI also reduces  translation costs by 10x or more compared to the mix of technology and human costs typically offered by vendors in the space, unlocking vast amounts of content that was previously not localized due to cost constraints.

“The era where companies had to decide which content they could make available for which of their global customers is coming to an end,” said Chris Menier, Chief Executive Officer, Transifex. “No longer will budgets dictate which content organizations make available to their global customers, but rather which content is relevant for each market. Our AI-powered translation together with our  quality scoring index have proven that over 60% of our translations are being deemed ready for production without human intervention., freeing up resources.”

SOURCE: PRNewswire

agile softwareartificial intelligenceinteractive contentMartech 360newsTransifexTransifex AIWebsite Development