Relo Metrics launches Relo Baseline, to offer unprecedented sponsorship benchmarking data to brands and rights holders

Relo Metrics launches Relo Baseline, to offer unprecedented sponsorship benchmarking data to brands and rights holders

Relo Metrics, the leading AI-powered sponsorship intelligence platform, is announcing the launch of Relo Baseline, the sports industry’s most advanced sponsorship data benchmarking tool.

With Relo Baseline, users will now have unique access to reliable benchmarking data on the digital value created by almost every sponsorship asset in all major sports in North America, giving them a more comprehensive, contextualized understanding of how their sponsorships are performing.

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For brand sponsors, Relo Baseline will finally provide an independent and accurate solution that allows a marketer to understand the digital value of a sponsorship before making an investment and be able to make more informed decisions on whether their sponsorships are delivering against an expected KPI of success. Brands will be able to set data-driven goals with their partners for sponsorships based on comparable assets and see when asset performance is trending below average so they can take immediate action.

Relo Baseline also significantly improves decision-making for rights holders. Sports teams can better negotiate deals by leveraging data that shows their ability to outperform industry averages and how they are maximizing value back to a sponsor. It also allows them to spot untapped sponsorship assets from other teams and leagues that are generating high ROI and could offer revenue potential for their own business.

“Over the course of the last five years, Relo has continually focused on our ability to bring better data and intelligence into the sponsorship buying process,” says Brian Kim, CEO at Relo Metrics. “Relo Baseline is one of our next steps in creating a standardized currency that enables teams and brands to measure the digital value of sponsorships effectively and transparently and work with each other to reach the same KPI’s and create more successful partnerships. With this solution, we believe the sponsorship market will be able to grow faster and more effectively by providing the necessary transparency and visibility into how to measure sponsorship value at an efficient price.”

About Relo Metrics

Relo Metrics is an AI-powered sponsorship intelligence platform that enables brands to track and optimize their sponsorship investments and powers teams and leagues with the insights

AI-poweredcurrencydata benchmarking tool.Information Technologyintelligence platformmartech360newsRelo BaselineRelo Metrics iVisibility