Postalytics Announces Automated File Campaigns to Round Out Trio of Build Once, Run Continuously Options

Postalytics Announces Automated File Campaigns to Round Out Trio of Build Once, Run Continuously Options

Postalytics, the leading direct mail automation platform, now includes Automated File Campaigns that send repeatable, highly automated campaigns using data files sourced from any data provider.

Smart Send and Triggered Drip Campaigns Get A New Baby Sister, Postalytics, the leading direct mail automation platform, now includes Automated File Campaigns that send repeatable, highly automated campaigns using data files sourced from any data provider.

Automated File Campaigns joins Smart Send and Triggered Drip campaigns as a third option that offers marketers a “build-once and run-continuously” automated direct mail program. Postalytics customers can use this new capability for ongoing lead generation, new mover campaigns, customer win-back efforts, or any other application powered by data files vs. a CRM database.

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The new feature is simple to set up. Once they map the fields in the data file and choose the creative components, marketers can easily repeat the campaign with new data files they upload to the platform. Postalytics customers on the PRO or Agency plan can upload contact lists into a single ongoing campaign at intervals of their choice. Advanced users can even upload the data files via FTP.

Marketers can schedule their mailings in the future, making Automated File Campaigns highly efficient.

Customers build the creative for a campaign only once, proof it, and put it in production. With Automated File Campaigns, they use the creative elements continually over a long period of time.

“We’re always listening to our customers,” said Postalytics CEO Dennis Kelly. “When they tell us about a feature that will help them use the platform more effectively, we do our best to add functionality to the software. We’ve enhanced the product many times because our customers asked.”


artificial intelligenceAutomated File CampaignsCRMemail marketinglead generationMartech 360newsPostalytics