Impartner Dynamic Forms Provide Unmatched Flexibility in Using PRM Forms for Almost Any Use Case

Impartner Dynamic Forms Provide Unmatched Flexibility in Using PRM Forms for Almost Any Use Case

Impartner, the world’s most complete, most highly rated, and most award-winning Partner Relationship Management (PRM) provider, announced enhancements to Dynamic Forms within Impartner PRM to provide unmatched flexibility for partners to successfully capture every type of use case for their partner channels. The company used its customer feedback program to implement these design updates, making forms easier to set up and use, and enhancing and simplifying a partner’s records and measurement capabilities.

Enhancements released to Impartner’s platform to support advanced configurations commonly requested by customers.

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Enhancements have been made to numerous areas, including the following:

  • Pipeline Manager
    • Improved design for enriched user-friendliness and mobile capabilities.
    • The Dashboard contains roll-up totals with configurable icons and colors; tabs can be re-ordered to items needed by partners first.
    • Search and Filter functionality has been simplified to one search field that auto-fills results as users type; filters built with advanced logic to help partners find records more easily.
  • Deal Contact Association
    • A deal contact association has been added to the dynamic forms widget so partners can select the contact associated with deals.
    • Drag and drop interface has been updated.
    • Partners can export lists of deal records to CSV format.
  • Custom Object Management
    • Administrators can now perform bulk update actions on custom objects, allowing for more efficient management at scale.
  • Conditional Validation on Form Fields
    • Required fields can be configured based on advanced logic, such as hiding the language field on partner registration, unless a user selects a country outside of the U.S., and then the language field can be shown or even required.
  • Hidden Fields on Forms
    • Companies can create default values on a submission and make those fields not visible to the user, such as setting Lead Source to Deal Registration as opposed to populating the fields through workflow.

The enhancements are available to customers today, along with an updated User Guide to walk all customers through these new processes.

SOURCE: PR Newswire

customer feedback programDynamic FormsImpartnerImpartner PRMmarketing automationmartech360measurement capabilitiesnewsPartner Relationship Management