Bravo Store Systems Releases Retail and Compliance Enhancements and New Mobile App for FFLs, Pawnshops and other Specialty Retailers

Bravo Store Systems Releases Retail and Compliance Enhancements and New Mobile App for FFLs, Pawnshops and other Specialty Retailers

Bravo Store Systems, the leading provider of point-of-sale platforms, mobile applications, and eCommerce products for the firearm, pawn, and specialty retail industries released its latest product update October 18. The update went live for all customers overnight and was available for use as stores opened Wednesday morning.

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“Our latest release is packed with new features and functionality to make our customers’ workdays easier and businesses even more successful. Many of the enhancements in this release came directly from customer suggestions, so we’re so excited to finally share them,” said Tally Mack, Bravo CEO. “Bravo has a long-standing history of being first-to-market in the industries we serve, and this release is one more example of our commitment to innovation.”

The latest release has two primary focuses: improving retail functionality to make inventory management easier and more flexible and enhancing E4473 functionality to make firearm transfers and transactions faster and safer. The October 2022 release marks the first of many retail and firearm focused enhancements on Bravo’s product development roadmap.

Highlights of Bravo’s October 2022 Product Release:

  • New Gun Transfers: allows quick and easy third party/private party gun transfers
  • New LEEP Integration: NICS eCheck web forms will auto populate with E4473 information through a Chrome extension
  • Enhanced Retail Functionality: customers can create unlimited SKUs
  • New Buya Mobile App: a mobile app for non-pawn retailers so consumers can shop, chat and make layaway payments
  • OFAC/SDN enhancements: improved alias matching to reduce false positive matches

“Innovation is at the core of who we are,” says Kelly York, Bravo Co-founder and Head of Software Development. “Each day we focus on how we can improve, enhance, optimize, and create solutions that move the needle for our customers, help them overcome challenges, and seize new opportunities that arise as the market changes. Bravo customers have an entire team of world-class developers and engineers designing and producing intuitive, sophisticated and relevant technology solutions that empower growth and enable change. We’re excited to bring to market the first of many enhancements that will drastically improve the way FFLs and other specialty retailers operate.”

Bravo Store SystemseCommerce productsKelly Yorkmartech360mobile marketingnewspoint-of-sale platformsTally Mack