Triton Digital & Headliner Partner to Boost Podcasts on YouTube

Triton Digital®, the global technology and services leader to the digital audio, podcast, and broadcast radio industries, announced that its enterprise podcasting platform, Omny Studio, will be partnering with Headliner to help creators reach new audiences by automating the creation of audio transcripts and video clips of audio content for YouTube.

Omny Studio, which currently hosts more than 70,000 podcasts across the globe, offers the industry’s most comprehensive suite of technology to power the hosting, delivery, measurement, and monetization of digital audio and podcast content. Publishers are already using Headliner in Omny Studio to post audiograms of full episodes and clips, with waveforms, subtitles and imagery, to social media and video sites. Building on that functionality, podcast publishers will now be able to automate the video creation and publishing process for their episodes, to automatically post these engaging audiograms to their podcast on YouTube.

“A content strategy is only as good as its distribution strategy and with video podcasting taking off, publishers need to focus on how to maximize the content they’ve produced,” said Neil Mody, CEO and co-founder of Headliner. “This new toolset automates a key part of the promotion process. Podcasters and publishers will now be able to reach new audiences on YouTube and extend the life of their content to other platforms in visually compelling ways.”

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Publishers who use these tools will also benefit from Triton Digital’s Podcast Metrics integration with YouTube, which allows them to view how their content is consumed on YouTube in conjunction with overall podcast downloads. They’ll now be able to connect all of their podcast content, both RSS and YouTube, in one place and manage reporting across download and view metrics. Other benefits include the ability to automate reporting, connect to multiple YouTube channels, and in cases where a third party owns the YouTube distribution, the API can be connected to Triton to pull in the reporting.

“Video podcasting continues to rise in popularity but not everyone has the time or resources to focus on it,” said Sharon Taylor, SVP of Podcast Strategy at Triton Digital. “Omny’s integration with Headliner continues to evolve and closes the gap for podcasters. This added functionality streamlines the process of taking audio content and transforming it into episodes that can be consumed on YouTube, with creative graphics and subtitle support that could help level the playing field and grab the attention of listeners. Coupled with the reporting capabilities of Triton’s Podcast Metrics, publishers will get even more insights into how audiences consume their content.”

SOURCE: Businesswire

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