Threekit Launches Visual Discovery AI to Help Buyers Navigate Your Catalog and Transform the eCommerce Buying Experience

Brands with large product catalogs have long struggled with a fundamental problem: How to inspire eCommerce shoppers into finding products they really love when they only have seconds to do it. That’s why Threekit is launching Visual Discovery AI–to get shoppers to the right products and looks based on their personal input. Starting today, brands can create distinctive eCommerce experiences using the data and visuals that they already have and serve up products that otherwise stay hidden on their site. Threekit Visual Discovery AI promises to deliver where dense navigation, filtering options and search have fallen short in the past.

According to Threekit Head of Product, Matt Seeger, the new product solution will enable shoppers to explore product catalogs in a whole new way–one that feels very natural, engaging and personalized.

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“Search and filtering are great when you know exactly what you want, but the majority of shoppers don’t. That’s why we’ve created Threekit Visual Discovery AI – which is a tool for those shoppers–one that enables them to give personal input and find products that they probably otherwise would not have seen and therefore, bounced from the website”

The key to Threekit’s innovation is that it uses AI to instantly interpret personal text and prompts, make associations and serve up results based on your user’s intent and contextual meaning.

Key Features of Threekit Visual Discovery AI:

– Exceptional Brand Experience: Guides users in an engaging, educational experience where they have a productive exchange with your brand
– Guided Buying: Walks customers through technical product purchases with visual prompts to provide input without a need for industry terminology
– Shop the Look: Serves up products in bundles or looks that encourage cart building and multi-purchase behavior
– Semantic Search: Makes products “mean more” by interpreting personal text or prompts and making associations based on your user’s intent

Says Threekit CEO, Matt Gorniak, “Brands need a better way for customers to get acquainted with their products. Visual Discovery AI has functionality that serves up highly relevant product results, both individually and in bundles or looks. Shoppers are seeing more of what they want and buying much more, much faster.”

SOURCE: PRNewswire

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