RevSure announces strategic Partnerships to Propel Growth

RevSure is also thrilled to announce new strategic partnerships with industry-leading companies 6sense, LinkedIn, and Sendoso. These partnerships will enhance RevSure’s capabilities, providing customers with even more powerful tools to optimize their marketing campaigns and impact the pipeline.

  • 6Sense + RevSure: This powerful integration helps identify anonymous accounts visiting your website, enabling more targeted and effective marketing strategies.
  • LinkedIn + RevSure: This integration enables marketers to analyze how every ad impression and click impacts the pipeline and accurately measure the ROI of LinkedIn campaigns.
  • Sendoso + RevSure: Integrating Sendoso with RevSure helps track, attribute, and improve the full funnel impact of gifting campaigns across the Marketing, SDR/BDR, and Sales initiatives.

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By leveraging the strengths of these partners, RevSure aims to deliver comprehensive solutions that drive measurable results.

Strengthening Leadership

To further strengthen its leadership team, RevSure is pleased to announce the appointment of Alex Cox as the Head of GTM & Evangelism. Alex is a seasoned go-to-market leader with expertise in global revenue and marketing execution. Notably, he has led demand generation teams at Torq,, Opsani, and Nutanix before joining RevSure.

RevSure is the only Full Funnel Attribution Solution that enables modern B2B demand generation teams to 3X their pipeline and confidently prove marketing ROI. Unlike legacy attribution solutions, RevSure combines full-funnel attribution with predictive intelligence and active recommendations, giving high-growth marketing teams the information they need to be more effective at every stage of the lead journey.

SOURCE: GlobeNewswire

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