Digital Air Strike Selected by Virginia Automobile Dealers Association to Provide Member Dealers with Needed Customer Experience Technology

Digital Air Strike, the leading consumer engagement and customer experience (CX) technology and services company, has been selected by the Virginia Automobile Dealers Association (VADA) to provide needed Customer Experience technology to its dealer body. VADA partnered with Digital Air Strike (DAS) to address the rapidly changing auto industry. DAS CX Tech enables more targeted and relevant communication with consumers throughout the vehicle research, shopping, purchase, and ownership journey.

“The team knows our dealership culture and our staff and has a vested interest in our success. Their solutions are driven to improve sales, communication, and customer service. Digital Air Strike is truly a partner willing to help in any capacity.”


Since its inception in 2010, Digital Air Strike has enabled dealers to leverage social media and online review sites to connect with consumers. The company has since expanded its CX technology and innovated with solutions that now power 30 customer communication touchpoints on the road to vehicle purchase and ownership.

VADA Dealer Programs are designed to meet dealer member needs while providing competitive pricing and supporting the association. Digital Air Strike is on a short list of endorsed dealer partners vetted for the benefit of Virginia’s franchised dealers.

“Digital Air Strike is honored VADA chose us as one of its dealer partners. Our solutions have a proven track record of helping dealers attract, convert, and retain customers, as well as helping with two critical needs: recruiting and used car acquisition,” said Scott Pechstein, SVP of Business Development at Digital Air Strike. “The timing has never been better for Virginia dealers to leverage our CX tech solutions that drive greater ROI for thousands of dealers across the U.S.”

Digital Air Strike’s solutions integrate with all automotive CRMs and enable dealers to deliver high-impact messaging to engage through vehicle inventory, business offerings, special promotions, consumer reviews, and community service.

Consumers are doing more of their dealership and vehicle research and buying online. An active presence on social platforms and advertising with Google Vehicle Ads and streaming channels is vital to finding those in-market vehicle buyers in the dealer’s city.

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Patented lead response and follow-up technology engages and converts shoppers into buyers. Post-transaction surveys and review requests provide valuable feedback to dealerships, enabling them to build customer loyalty.

Digital Air Strike has a long history of partnering with Virginia dealers, including Brown Automotive’s 16-store dealer group in Virginia and Maryland.

Digital Air Strike is a true partner. Our dedicated Client Success Manager and the DAS executive team provide the most responsive support of any of our dealership vendors,” said Rachel Pullen, president of Brown Automotive Group. “The team knows our dealership culture and our staff and has a vested interest in our success. Their solutions are driven to improve sales, communication, and customer service. Digital Air Strike is truly a partner willing to help in any capacity.”

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