Littledata’s Enhanced Identity Resolution is a Boost for Klaviyo

Littledata, the Shopify app for accurate ecommerce tracking, now integrates with Klaviyo to enhance identity resolution and boost Klaviyo Attributed Value (KAV) from email and SMS marketing.

Littledata’s server-side tracking technology uniquely allows prospective buyers – who previously opted-in for email marketing – to be targeted with Klaviyo flows. This bypasses ad blockers, Apple’s cookie restrictions and GDPR tracking limitations that have reduced the effectiveness of email targeting in recent years.

Littledata’s new Klaviyo integration is the first privacy-compliant way to identify more shoppers who browsed your site or added something to their online shopping cart, but didn’t complete the purchase.

“Highly targeted and timely Klaviyo flows perform far better than emailing a big list, generating over $3.50 per email versus less than $0.10 for email blasts* ”, says Littledata’s Product Manager, Rares Ionescu. “Littledata’s enhanced identity resolution allows brands to target over 40% more cart abandoners and win back more purchases”.

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Performance improvements from customer trials have exceeded expectations, with one cosmetics brand generating an extra $40,000 of revenue in one month – revenue that would otherwise be lost as buyers go to a competitive brand before completing the checkout.

“Klaviyo is grappling with slowing revenue growth – down from 50% to 27% annually – as ecommerce brands question return on investment from their marketing automation”, comments Littledata founder and CEO, Edward Upton. “So Littledata’s new Klaviyo integration has big potential for boosting the value Klaviyo can deliver through better targeting of opted-in email & SMS customer lists.”

The new integration has been quickly adopted by leading Klaviyo marketing agencies. “I’ve been amazed by how Littledata’s new Klaviyo integration can increase audiences for Abandoned Cart flows and drive additional revenue”, says Tyler Bell, Head of Lifecycle Marketing at Prismfly. “After a quick and easy setup, our client Red Land Cotton began seeing a 40% increase to users with purchase intent we could target with Abandoned Cart flows, and this translated to a 27% lift in monthly Abandoned Cart revenue.”


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