MeWe doubles-down on its privacy-first values by giving its 20-million users the ability to decentralize their social media experience

MeWe announced plans to become the world’s largest decentralized social media platform. MeWe, a 20-million-user global social network, is doubling down on its values of privacy and putting control in the hands of its users by integrating groundbreaking decentralized technology.

Users will soon have the opportunity to transition to decentralize their experience while still enjoying everything they know and love about MeWe – a platform that deeply respects user privacy and does not algorithmically manipulate or amplify user content. MeWe will utilize the Decentralized Social Networking Protocol (DSNP)  a new open-source internet protocol released by Project Liberty – in an effort to further empower its users and strengthen its commitment to providing a social media experience that’s free from the algorithms, amplification, and manipulation that have proliferated across the internet.

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“MeWe was created to respect the fundamental human right to privacy while allowing people to enjoy what is great about social media — family, friends and finding community. Integrating DSNP into our growing platform further aligns our technical infrastructure with our core values of privacy and user-control. By providing this option to our members, we are leveling up MeWe’s commitment to putting users in control of their social media experience. We look forward to showing the benefits of technology designed to empower users and enable healthier digital communities,” says Jeffrey Edell, Chairman and CEO of MeWe.

MeWe users will be able to transition to a decentralized system in early 2023, starting with features like a secure, password-free sign in option. MeWe is actively engaging its global user base to solicit their feedback at every stage of this transition. Over time, this decentralized technology will democratize the way MeWe operates, allowing for shared input on the social network’s product development initiatives and platform policies.

“Today, social media is a monopoly with too much power in too few hands. MeWe is pioneering a new, values-driven way to do social media. Decentralization allows everyone to participate and puts control back into the hands of the people. It’s an exciting vanguard to be a part of,” says Steve Wozniak, Co-Founder of Apple and MeWe Advisory Board Member.

Research shows that more than 60% of Americans are concerned with how their data and information is collected and used by companies and governments, according to Pew Research Center findings. MeWe has always rejected the surveillance capitalism business model. The platform’s growth to 20 million users globally underscores the demand for social media that prioritizes user control and respects privacy. Decentralized technology transfers control from one centralized entity – such as a company – to a distributed, participatory network, thereby boosting privacy protections and a user’s control over their own data. MeWe’s integration of decentralized technology will provide its growing membership with an unmatched level of privacy and control in the social media space.

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